After three years of work by CTDEEP and an advisory “Working Group,” on December 29, CTDEEP issued draft regulations for the much anticipated new “Release-Based Clean Up Program”. Before the formal regulatory review/adoption process starts, there will be an initial opportunity for comments by the Working Group, which are due by February 6, 2024. SWEP-CT plans to develop comments and questions on behalf of our membership to help inform this process. Draft regulations are linked below.
We want to hear from you! SWEP-CT will convene a member working session on January 10 as an early chance to discuss and solicit feedback from our membership on the draft regulations. Bring your thoughts, questions, and ideas about the new proposed regulations as we begin to prepare comments.
For further information about the Release-Based Program development activities, see DEEP’s website.
DRAFT - Proposed RBCRs to Working Group.12-29-23.pdf
Draft Multifamily and Recreational Risk Based Criteria TSD.pdf
Draft Proposal for Risk Based Cleanup Standard Calculators.pdf
RBCRs - Other Proposed Regulatory Adjustments 12-29-23.pdf
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