Beat the Street Community Center of Meriden, CT was awarded $1,000 to purchase materials for the construction of raised beds for a community garden. Project goals were to reuse a blighted vacant building lot and establish a community garden. Other objectives were to foster an intergenerational sense of community, youth engagement and an outreach program to promote healthy eating habits. The community garden has been constructed, and 10 families have recently completed planting.
Girl Scouts of Connecticut was awarded $1,260 towards funding their Spider Wonders Program. This is an educational outreach program to foster interest in nature and science and is based on training provided by CT DEEP. The summer camp program is aimed at up to 3,500 girls state-wide, and will be implemented at 9 camps. The grant was awarded for Summer 2013 supplies. Click HERE to read the final grant report and success stories.
Lebanon Region A Science and Technology Center was awarded $1,015 to fund raising trout and salmon in the classroom. The Lebanon Region A Science and Technology Center is one of nineteen centers in the state to offer agricultural coursework to high school students. The project aligns with their natural resources curriculum and was co-designed by student Rachel Runkle. The fish will be released to a local water body.